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When Should You Book a Chemical Peel?
This is the perfect time to book a chemical peel facial to prepare for the holiday season and all the upcoming events. You want to have radiant, glowing skin!
Now is the Time!
Preparation for a Chemical Peel.
A chemical peel is an exfoliation, so do not use skincare products with exfoliant ingredients for about a week before your treatment.
Stay hydrated both on the outside and internally. Drink plenty of water and use gentle hydrating moisturizers on your skin.
Consult with Darlene, and she will give you any other preparations so that you see the best results with your treatment.
The skin is initially tender and more sun-sensitive as the epidermis renews itself. After the peeling (usually 3-5 days after the treatment), fresh new skin emerges, and ingredients in-home care products start to work more effectively. You may expect to peel throughout the completely treated area. But post-treatment peeling is often similar to peeling after a tan. In some cases, it is not apparent to the naked eye because it occurs on a cellular level. The exfoliation you will experience varies depending on the peel strength and the individual skin profile. AlumierMD chemical peels are light-medium depth and are formulated to reduce irritation and redness.
Beautiful skin does not happen overnight; treatments take time to show results. A single chemical peel can provide an immediate effect of bright and radiant skin; however, more significant results in treating textural issues, fine lines, and inflamed acne could take up to eight weeks.
We recommended a series of 6 peels, 4 weeks apart, for best results.
Use AlumierMD Skincare home products consistently and as directed to achieve optimal results. Just as you take the time to exercise, you need to take time for your daily skincare workout regime in the morning and the evening. Post-treatment products minimize complications, heal and soothe the skin and maintain the results.
If you are not quite ready to commit to a full chemical peel at Secret Faces, you may want to consider AlumierMD Enzymatic Peel.
Why not give Darlene a call and talk to her about AlumierMD Chemical Peels and be informed of all the ways to get the best results.